
Newton Fund Researcher Links workshop GRANT

Newton Programme Vietnam is now calling for proposals for the Researcher Links Climate Challenge workshops: grant funding for interdisciplinary research workshops on climate change.

Researcher Links Climate Challenge (RLCC) grants are designed to provide financial support to host virtual research workshops for participants from the UK and partner countries to work on innovative solutions to development challenges caused by climate change. Complex problems such as climate change cannot be addressed from the perspective of one discipline alone.

  • Priority areas: COP26 priorities (Adaptation and Resilience, Nature, Energy Transition, Clean Road Transport, Finance)
  • Size of funding: up to £49,700 inclusive of the Challenge prizes
  • Eligibility criteria: Leading or established researchers from the UK and Vietnam can apply to be Principal Applicants 

Deadline: 27 November 2020, 16:00 UK time

Apply here.

Read more.